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Infection Prevention, Water & hygiene go hand in hand 2
Health Tips
Infection Prevention, Water & hygiene go hand in hand.
This year on World Hand Hygiene Day, we delve into the relationship between Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
A worldwide Crisis 1
Health Tips
Food Insecurities – A worldwide Crisis
The 2021 global report on food crises has shown the worsening of food insecurity worldwide. Of the 55 countries highlighted with food crises, 10 countries are in crisis where households have high or above average acute malnutrition and require urgent supplies.
The Value of Water lasts more than one day
Health Tips
The Value of Water Lasts More Than One Day
This year’s World Water Day 2021 captured commitments and thoughts associated with the Value of Water.
Ensuring Water Safety on Global Journeys 1
Health Tips
The Crucial Drop: Ensuring Water Safety on Global Journeys
Aquatabs has become a trusted safeguard for travelers journeying into areas with uncertain water quality.
Health Tips
Can we eliminate food scares
That's why the United Nations declared June 7, International Food Safety Day, a day to bring food safety into the spotlight, to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks.
Rosie Keary 2
Community Outreach
Rosie Keary
International Women’s Day is the perfect opportunity to talk careers with our General Manager, Rosie Keary. The pathway to personal and business success and the motivation that keeps the passion for the job alive.
Resilient WASH Requires Climate Funding Mechanisms 1
Health Tips
Resilient WASH Requires Climate Funding Mechanisms
By the middle of the century we could face the same death toll every year due to the impacts of climate change according to Mark Carney, the UN Envoy for Climate Change and Finance.
Practical Approach to Sustainability 1
Community Outreach
PODCAST: Practical Approach to Sustainability
At Kersia Healthcare, we are striving to move forward sustainably. To bring our clients products and systems that make a positive impact on the world.
Learning for Lasting Peace
Health Tips
Learning for Lasting Peace: The Intersection of Education, WASH, and Peacebuilding in Schools
The foundation of a prosperous and peaceful society is laid in the classrooms where young minds are shaped.
Horn of Africa Health Crisis 1
Health Tips
Horn of Africa Health Crisis
In the greater horn of Africa families struggling with severe food insecurity span 7 countries– South Sudan, Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan.
The challenges behind a Lifeline of Hope 1
Community Outreach
The challenges behind a Lifeline of Hope
No chance to remain at school as the education system is in crisis, 1.6 billion students are out of the education system with no way to continue due to displacement, conflict or crisis.
Empowering Community Advancement
Health Tips
Empowering Community Advancement
Developing communities with vulnerable populations require vital Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) programmes.
Purified Water 1
Water Safety
Purified Water: A Critical Ally when Combating Severe Acute Malnutrition.
While dedicated efforts in SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition) programmes often spotlight nutritional therapies and interventions, there's a silent, life-saving force that deserves our equal attention – Treated Water! Without it, efforts in treating malnourished children can be severely compromised.
Teagasc review 2
Water Safety
6 Reasons to Invest in Aquatabs InLine on Your Farm
Cleaning and disinfection also play a central role in biosecurity protocols, serving as a frontline defence against the introduction and spread of infectious agents.
Case study 2 (2)
Water Safety
Aquatabs Blog
Diarrheal patients were recruited from 2 healthcare facilities. In this study, the standard recommendation given to diarrhoea patients at the time of hospital discharge, that is, oral rehydration solutions, was compared to the CHoB17 Health programme.
The Limit of Study Time on Girls 1
Water Safety
The Limit of Study Time on Girls
The link between academic success and the availability of essential resources like drinking water is critical, especially in parts of the world where accessing these necessities remains a daily challenge.
Breaking The Silence The impact on menstrual health management 1
Health Tips
Breaking The Silence The Impact on menstrual health management
In many parts of Africa, the journey of a girl through adolescence is fraught with challenges that extend beyond the physiological changes inherent to puberty.
The benefits of using Aquatabas water purification systems in school 1
Water Safety
The benefits of using Aquatabs Water Purification systems in schools
The benefits of using water purification systems like Aquatabs in schools are substantial, particularly in areas where access to safe drinking water is challenging.
Transforming Water Empowering Agriculture 1
Water Safety
Transforming Water, Empowering Agriculture: A Global Success Story
If you didn’t already know, we're thrilled to reshare the journey of our innovative water disinfection system, Aquatabs InLine, in the agricultural sector! Aquatabs InLine contributes significantly to sustainable farming practices and enhancing food security worldwide.
Teagasc review
Health Tips
Teagasc Review
The article sheds light on the paramount importance of water disinfection in safeguarding water purity.
Battling the Invisible Enemy
Health Tips
Battling the Invisible Enemy: Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance from Agriculture to Healthcare Facilities
In the realm of modern medicine antibiotics have been extensively recognized for their critical role in eradicating infections that historically resulted in significant mortality rates.
Case Study 6 Shops PLUS
Case Studies
Sustaining Health Outcomes via Private Sector (2016-2020)
The SHOPS Plus project, funded by USAID and implemented by the Afghan Social Marketing Organization (ASMO), aimed to bolster the sustainability and impact of health product distribution in Afghanistan from January 2016 to June 2020.
Dental Water system
Case Studies
Microbial Safety in Dental Unit Water Lines (2016)
An observational study at the Dental School in Umeå, Sweden, and surrounding public dental clinics (PDCs) scrutinised the microbial safety of dental unit water lines (DUWLs) from 2007 to 2016.
Case Study 4
Case Studies
Aquatabs Flo & InLine Pilot in WARIDI (2016)
The USAID/Tanzania Water Resources Integration Development Initiative (WARIDI), led by Tetra Tech in partnership with Resonance and Winrock International, aims to expand access to clean water and improved sanitation for underserved communities in Tanzania.
Case Study 3
Case Studies
Improving Access to Safe Drinking Water in Niger (2012)
In Niger, access to safe drinking water is limited, significantly impacting public health. Floods along the Niger River often lead to cholera outbreaks, with thousands affected annually.
Case study 2 (1)
Case Studies
CHoBI7 Mobile Health Program Reduces Child Diarrhoea in Dhaka (2018)
The CHoBI7 (Cholera Hospital-Based Intervention for 7 Days) mobile health (mHealth) program was a cluster-randomized controlled trial conducted among households with diarrhoea patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Case Study 1
Case Studies
Community Water Purification Cuts Child Diarrhoea and Costs (2015)
The study published in The Lancet evaluated the impact of the Aquatabs Flo, installed at shared water points in urban Bangladesh, aiming to reduce child diarrhoea in densely populated, low-income communities.

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